Monthly Coastal Clean Up

Join CASA, Mission Blue San Francisco Bay Hope Spot, and DOER Marine for our monthly coastal clean up at Alameda Point. Meet us at the Sea Plane Lagoon Promenade 1801 Ferry Point, Alameda 94501 View Map 10 AM – 12 PM on the second Saturday of each month. Rain cancels – so check our Facebook page or sign up to our Google Group for updates.
Here are other ways you can support and expand our work:
+ Join our Coastal Clean Up Google Group
+ Recruit students who need Community Service Hours (we can sign your form!)
+ Recruit corporate teams or community organizations who would like to help out
+ Donate to CASA so we can provide stipends for our interns and replenish our equipment
+ Become a Coastal Clean Up Sponsor:
$1,000 – SF Bay Champion
$500 – SF Bay Supporter
$250 – SF Bay Friend